I think Its time for me to type something..
BYU is going to kick Utah's A$$ all day long! I can not wait for that game. I think we (anyone invited) show have a Big Tail gate type party the day of the game. This could be one of the Biggest Rival games in a long time. Especially if both teams can stay away from losing.
We all need to bend over & ki$$ our sorry butts good bye If Obama wins the Presidency!
I don't think he will but the world is full of enough stupid people that anything is possible!
Congress & the Senate. If your in now, I WILL NOT Be Voting for you when reelection comes around for you.
Its not the Bush Administration that's dug us in this hell hole. Its a worthless people that haven't done anything good for the Nation in years!
What have you past?
How has it made us better as a Nation?
When are you going to stop taking so many vacations?
What do you get paid?
How much money do I pay for you to be in Government?
You are all a bunch of worthless not good dirty Terrorist, slowly killing My Country!
Go to Hell!
We will be OK if we are prepared, both physically, and Spiritually!
I need help with 1 and 2 on your list, the rest I got! Thanks!
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