Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Check This Out

Ok people heres what you need to do.
Take a look at this web site& tell me what you think?
This is a great product that my wife is using.. its So Awesome! Please let me know what you think. and share it with your friends.. Also if you want to make some money hit me up!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Royal Bliss
Is one of the Best Bands out there.
They are forsure the best to have come out of utah!
I have some of their best of songs on my music player. Look toward the bottom of the page to find my music player, and Enjoy some Royal Bliss.

P.S. I know these guys too, back 9 yrs ago I use to party with them when they first were getting started!

Freedom Isn't Free

You have got to love this Game!