Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The 4 True Principles fro the Year!

I think Its time for me to type something..
BYU is going to kick Utah's A$$ all day long! I can not wait for that game. I think we (anyone invited) show have a Big Tail gate type party the day of the game. This could be one of the Biggest Rival games in a long time. Especially if both teams can stay away from losing.

We all need to bend over & ki$$ our sorry butts good bye If Obama wins the Presidency!
I don't think he will but the world is full of enough stupid people that anything is possible!

Congress & the Senate
. If your in now, I WILL NOT Be Voting for you when reelection comes around for you.
Its not the Bush Administration that's dug us in this hell hole. Its a worthless people that haven't done anything good for the Nation in years!
What have you past?
How has it made us better as a Nation?
When are you going to stop taking so many vacations?
What do you get paid?
How much money do I pay for you to be in Government?

You are all a bunch of worthless not good dirty Terrorist, slowly killing My Country!
Go to Hell!

We will be OK
if we are prepared, both physically, and Spiritually!


Freedom Isn't Free

You have got to love this Game!